The Process of Diagnosing Erectile Dysfunction

There’s a lot of information online about erectile dysfunction as a condition, but the almost 50% of men that experience ED within their lifetimes still often suffer alone.
Felix is committed to providing treatment options for anyone that could be experiencing signs of impotence, in a comfortable, convenient, judgment-free setting.
To help you understand what’s necessary in order to get an erectile dysfunction diagnosis, and how to know if you have erectile dysfunction, we’ve put together some useful information on this page.
By the time you’re done reading this, you should be ready to take back control of your sex life with Felix in your corner.
When Does Erectile Dysfunction Start?
Erection problems most commonly start for men in their 40s, but it’s something that can happen at any age, whether you’re 20 or 70.
Technically, it can start for anyone that’s begun sexual activities, so there’s really no set age at which the condition begins. It’s dependent on the person experiencing these symptoms, and their individual physical and mental health.
If you believe that you’re starting to experience signs of ED, you should complete an assessment with a healthcare practitioner at Felix. They’ll be able to provide you with a proper diagnosis, as well as discuss potential treatment options with you, based on your needs.
How is Erectile Dysfunction Diagnosed?
Once you complete your assessment with your practitioner, they’ll want to discuss your medical history with you, as well as potentially request a physical exam.
In a few cases, blood work may be requested as part of the diagnosing process, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that the patient has ED. It’s just another tool, which can help identify certain underlying causes of erectile dysfunction.
Is Erectile Dysfunction a Disease?
This really depends on how you define a ‘disease’.
If you consider any condition that causes a disorder of structure or function a disease, then yes, erectile dysfunction could be considered a disease.
However, if you believe that a disease is something that is ‘caught’ from an outside source, then no, ED would not be considered a disease. It’s really a matter of semantics and personal usage. Either can be correct; depending on how you use it.
It’s important to know that people experiencing the symptoms of erectile dysfunction should never be considered ‘diseased’. Most practitioners tend to refer to ED as a disorder or a dysfunction, rather than a disease, because diseases carry negative connotations for both patient experience and treatment, which isn’t appropriate for ED.
Is Erectile Dysfunction Genetic?
Technically, no erectile dysfunction is not genetic. If your father has ED that doesn’t necessarily mean that you will get it.
On the other hand, some of the risk factors that can increase your risk of getting erectile dysfunction (i.e., cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.), can be hereditary.
If you believe that you could have a genetic condition that increases your risk of developing erectile dysfunction, be sure to talk to your healthcare practitioner at Felix.
They’ll be able to determine whether you have ED, and then provide an impotence diagnosis (if applicable), as well as treatment options that fit your needs.
Which Doctor to Consult for Erectile Dysfunction?
Technically, you can consult any doctor for a consultation about ED.
However, given that a physical exam and blood work could be requested, it might be a good idea to start with your family doctor. Or, if you don’t want to wait for an appointment, you can get started by completing an assessment at Felix.
In certain cases, the practitioner consulting you may suggest that you also see a urologist, but this will depend on factors that need to be determined during your consultation and exam.
How Do Doctors Test for Erectile Dysfunction?
The first thing practitioners will do to test for erectile dysfunction is go through your medical history thoroughly with you, as well as perform a physical exam.
In some cases, the practitioner may also request blood work as well. This isn’t necessarily to help with the ED diagnosis, but rather to help identify any underlying causes that could be worsening the signs of ED.
Ready to see if you need an erectile dysfunction diagnosis, so that you can take back control of your sex life? Felix is here to help.
Just complete a short assessment, and your healthcare practitioner will be able to provide ED treatment options that are suited to your needs.
With Felix in your corner, you get back to enjoying life on your terms.
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