Weight Loss

Weight Loss
What You Need to Know About Felix's Weight Loss Program Pricing
At Felix, we believe weight loss programs should provide judgement-free treatment and address biological factors such as genetics, hormones and metabolic rate that determine your weight — while being completely transparent about all costs involved.
Weight Loss
Which Weight Loss Medications are Most Effective?
As hard as some people work, the reality is that biology and genetics are the main determinants of weight. That’s why ‘move more, eat less’ simply doesn’t work for some people, and the reason that weight loss medications have become so popular in recent years.
Weight Loss
Weight Loss Medications: Are They Safe?
As with most medications, weight management prescription medications are going to work a little bit differently for each person. However, in an effort to help you make sense of your weight management treatment options, the experts at Felix have put together some useful information for you.
Weight Loss
Can I Get Weight Loss Prescription Medication Online?
Accessing weight loss prescription medications online in Canada doesn’t need to be stressful. Felix is making this process quick and seamless for Canadians.
Weight Loss
How Does Fat Leave the Body When You Lose Weight?
If you’re trying to lose weight, it’s natural to be confused about what actually goes on under the surface during weight loss. After all, we can’t look past our skin with X-ray vision.
Weight Loss
What Causes Rapid Weight Gain?
Unexplained weight gain may happen suddenly with significant changes to your diet or lifestyle. If you think this is happening to you, you're not alone.
Weight Loss
Weight Loss Treatment Overview
Questions about our weight loss treatment? We’ve got answers. Remember, you can always reach out to us directly through your Felix dashboard.
Weight Loss
Exploring the Link Between Weight Loss Medication & Muscle Pain
You might expect to feel the burn after a gym session, but should you expect muscle pain when taking prescription weight-loss medications?
Weight Loss
What You Need to Know About Felix's Weight Loss Program Pricing
At Felix, we believe weight loss programs should provide judgement-free treatment and address biological factors such as genetics, hormones and metabolic rate that determine your weight — while being completely transparent about all costs involved.
Weight Loss
Weight Loss Medications & PCOS Management
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a complex medical condition that is associated with many different symptoms, some of which may be able to be addressed by some prescription weight loss medications.
Weight Loss
How Biology Really Affects Your Weight
Your body size is determined by many complex biologic processes and not by your willpower. There are a lot of social stigmas related to living in a larger body and the myth that everyone can just exercise and diet themselves into smaller bodies is false. The reality is much more complicated.
Weight Loss
Types of Weight Loss Treatments for Women
Weight loss journeys can be challenging and require a significant commitment in order to attain long-term weight management.
Weight Loss
The Role of Sleep in Weight Loss & Management
For decades, the basic formula for weight loss was simple: Consume fewer calories than you burn. However, researchers confirm there's more to weight loss than simply counting calories.
Weight Loss
Prescription Weight Loss Medications: Can They Cause Joint Pain?
If weight loss medications have piqued your interest lately, you’re not alone. But are they to blame for achy joints? If you’re worried about joint pain when taking these meds, this article is for you.
Weight Loss
Mindful Eating: The Key to Healthy Weight Loss
In our fast-paced world, we often eat on autopilot — whether absent-mindedly munching on a bag of chips while watching TV or wolfing down a sandwich between meetings.
Weight Loss
Is It Safe to Lose Weight Quickly?
“Is it safe to lose weight quickly?” This is a question many of us have asked ourselves at some point when we try to achieve that dream physique. While fad diets and extreme workouts sound tempting, they often come at a cost. They can lead to unsustainable habits and health risks.
Weight Loss
Is It Normal to Gain Weight on Your Period?
If you’ve gained weight during your period you’re not alone. Period weight gain is a fact of life and not some sort of moral failing. If you choose to weigh yourself while on your period and the scale is reading higher than your normal, that’s okay.
Weight Loss
How to Lose Weight With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal disease that develops in people assigned female at birth who are genetically predisposed to it. It’s estimated that between 6% to 10% of reproductive age women have PCOS.
Weight Loss
How Changes in Hormones Affect Weight Gain in Menopause
If you’ve been noticing changes in your body around menopause, you’re not alone.
Weight Loss
Late-Night Hunger Could be Affecting Your Weight
We’ve all experienced the siren call of a full tub of ice cream sitting in the freezer late at night, or the phantom crinkle of your favourite bag of chips beckoning you from the cupboard.
Weight Loss
Does Fasting to Boost Your Metabolism Work?
Intermittent fasting has become popular in recent years, especially for people pursuing weight loss. It describes a pattern of eating where you only eat during a specified window of time.
Weight Loss
How Bone Mineral Density Relates to Body Weight
Have you ever wondered if there is a relationship between your bones and your body weight? You wouldn’t be alone if you did. It's been the subject of research and debate for years.
Weight Loss
How Birth Control Affects Weight
For decades, birth control has been a revolutionary tool for empowering individuals to take control of their reproductive health. From oral contraceptives to intrauterine devices (IUDs) and more, these methods have proven highly effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies.
Weight Loss
Helpful Apps to Track Your Weight Loss Goals
Trying to lose weight? Your phone can be a powerful asset — just as long as you use it for the right reasons. These five apps can help track your weight loss progress and provide support in the palm of your hand.